Thursday, November 24, 2005

don't fuck with issy! happy birthday k-win!

she'll kick your ass... it's the truth. yesterday was a bit of a test brought to you by the good folks at 'FUCK YOU' industries. i've had a transmission fluid leak in the coolerator and yesterday morning as i got ready to go and move larry-the comet-to norht vancouver, i saw a large puddle of fluid in fron of the van. nice. all of it all over cordova street. i had fixed this problem, or so i had thought. the coolerator wouldn't even go into gear. so i had to leave it there. good times. luckily the meter was busted and shows 'fail' so i didn;t have to pay. so onto the loser cruiser i went out to burnanby. of course when i got there the comet wouldn't start because the battery was dead. after some convincing with a charger i got it going and away i went. i was trying to get the car over there and left with chris and have enough time to get home and have lunch with danielle. i should point out that during the coolerator transmission part of this story i was snappy to marcy and i'd like to publicly say "i'm sorry about that...i'm a dick."..ok. so io got on the bus, then the seabus and made it home alright-except for the shin splints i now have from a little too much workout action at the gym... good times. i fix the van and get it all working nicely and find in my mailbox a cd from willy of the fine rock and roll band richmond fontaine. a remastered version of their album 'lost son' with bonus trackes etc. actual good times now. and off i go to meet danielle for lunch...well, no. it's a long one but suffice to say that girl is going to be the one making the lunch plans from now on... around 3:00 i give up on lunch happening and grab a muffin and a juice and head out to tsawwassen where issy has smuggled yet more toys for me from point robrets... she's awesome. the new kaws toys suffer from poor production values and the fit and finish are/is(?) not great but one is nice enought that i'll keep it but the other is going on ebay pronto. so home i go...then off to the gym...then, because we were suppose to go to topanga for lunch, i went to topanga for dinner like the loser i am all by myself...then as was driving hime, and actually to the shop to do a little clean-up now that the car was out of there, the transmission started acting up again...nice.. so at the shop i found another leak, hopefully fixed it too..and then made another spinning chair part on the lathe for the templeton restaurant, where danielle works... where i'll go today and tell her she's buyin'. all that and it was also k-win's birhtday yesterday...quentina to those of you not in the know... i gave her a shirt with the a swear word on the front of it and a couple kozik smorkin' labbits... i love that girl..

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